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Our Approach

While every client and every transaction is unique, we have developed a broad approach that has helped us surface valuable insights and deliver results for our clients across hundreds of engagements.

We walk in your shoes

At Crosbie, it always starts (and finishes) with the client.  We pride ourselves on clearly understanding your business, perspectives and objectives – from the outset.  And we then strive to align our interests in an objective and transparent manner.  This allows us to focus on the task at hand while firmly keeping your objectives top of mind.

This sort of blocking and tackling establishes a strong foundation for providing you with meaningful advice and getting your deal across the goal line.

We mobilize quickly

In many time sensitive situations…a critical growth opportunity, an impatient creditor, a shotgun buyout, or reacting to a window in the capital markets… we will turn on a dime for our clients.  We are able to do so because we are quick studies of businesses, we have a depth of industry and ​transactional expertise and we have the ability to devote a large team of professionals at the front end of an engagement.

We sweat the details

Our experience has taught us how hard it is to surface value to and to get great outcome - it takes real focus as well as good strategy, careful thought and serious effort.  We invest the time and mental energy necessary to make sure we are well prepared before getting into the market or entering a negotiation.  In doing so, we develop important insights into your business and how the market will see the situation.  And the devil is often in the details.  So, we make a big point of sweating the details every step of the way.

We are in your corner

In addition to providing expert advice, we typically become a key advocate for our client.  This is a very important role and is one that we excel in.  So, not only will we help develop strong strategy for your transaction or situation, but we will also help rigorously develop effective arguments that can be used in the market to advocate on behalf of our clients.

We have done this for many others.  Let us do it for you.

We ​close our deals

Most transactions we work on don’t sell themselves – rather, they need to be actively positioned, sold and negotiated.  In many cases, we have to create the market for our client’s transaction.  This can be a highly complex and creative process but is one in which we excel.  Doing this well is often important to getting the competitive dynamics that help surface value and has allowed us to achieve an enviable record of success for our clients.

We are experts in the art of investment banking

At one level, we are experts in analyzing our client’s business and transaction – quantitatively, qualitatively and strategically.  But the art of investment banking is to view that analysis through a market lens – so ultimately, we can harness market forces for our client on an effective basis.  In many transactions, this translates into stimulating competitive force in the process.

This allows us to give the best advice in designing the most effective approach to presenting the business, being your advocate, and in making a market for your transaction.

Crosbie & Company Inc.
150 King Street West, 15th Floor, P.O. Box 95, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J9
Tel: 416.362.7726 | Toll Free: 1-866-873-7002 | Fax: 416.362.3447


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