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The Transaction

The sale of BTG to MiTek was the result of a successful sale process run by Crosbie that included a targeted global search of strategic and private equity buyers. The strategic acquisition allows MiTek’s TBS Engineering subsidiary to offer battery manufacturers an end-to-end product offering solution to the battery industry.

About the Company

BTG is a leading designer and supplier of lead strip casters, rotary expander lines, and other related battery grid technology for lead-acid battery production.

Crosbie’s Role

We were retained to assist and advise on the carve-out and sale of BTG, a successful niche business which operated within Teck’s Product Technology Center in Mississauga, Ontario. The scope of our role included helping Teck define the business unit being sold, identifying and positioning key management personnel, articulating the strategic positioning of the division, and developing a plan to transfer shared corporate services being provided by Teck. This up-front work was essential in developing a go-forward strategy for the business and highlighting the value proposition for prospective buyers.

“The Crosbie team proved critically important in assisting corporate management throughout the process. Their ability to grasp the essence of a relatively unique `business; develop and execute a successful marketing strategy and complete this transaction proved absolutely invaluable.”

Ron Vance, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development
Teck Resources

Related Industries:

  • Industrial

Related Services:

Sale Advisory

Teck Resources

Teck has sold its Battery Technology Group, a designer and supplier of equipment to lead acid battery manufacturers to

​A Berkshire Hathaway company

Crosbie acted as financial Advisor in respect of the carve-out and sale of the Group

Crosbie & Company Inc.
150 King Street West, 15th Floor, P.O. Box 95, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J9
Tel: 416.362.7726 | Toll Free: 1-866-873-7002 | Fax: 416.362.3447


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